1 00:00:03,360 --> 00:00:09,090 Julius Sokenu: Hi everyone. Welcome, and thank you for joining us this afternoon, actually the evening now, it's after four, 2 00:00:10,590 --> 00:00:30,180 for this fall 2021 operational planning meeting. First and foremost I think everybody should sort of, you know, give themselves a round of applause, because I think it is so important that we made it this far. When you think about it, a year ago, this past, actually probably a year ago today, 3 00:00:31,350 --> 00:00:40,170 you know, we were getting ready to transition from on ground instruction to fully online instruction. 4 00:00:40,740 --> 00:00:52,860 And then we had really a matter of days to get that to happen and we we're just thrown into it and, subsequently, you know, 1500 CRNs, offices moved 5 00:00:53,580 --> 00:01:00,780 services and operations moved online and then, subsequently sorry to bring some folks back to campus and other 6 00:01:01,500 --> 00:01:06,180 activities, but we're still grappling with a pandemic that's taken so many lives, 7 00:01:06,690 --> 00:01:18,270 grappling with a change in the way in which we engage the world. I mean for many of you like if you're like me, you know, you walk outside and you are conscious of another person's presence coming towards you. 8 00:01:18,750 --> 00:01:27,180 And that's not the world we lived in before, right, and the world has changed and it's changed a great deal since last March. There is hope 9 00:01:27,870 --> 00:01:39,780 we have a vaccine and we're seeing the numbers of transmissions decline and a lot of that I have to be, we need to give ourselves credit again for that, but, you know, folks are 10 00:01:40,500 --> 00:01:51,840 making the wise decision of staying safe, and masking, and cleanliness protocols, and disinfecting protocols, etc, etc. 11 00:01:52,230 --> 00:02:02,910 And that is saving us and we can't of course, stop doing that. It helps those of us who are in the education sector that were one of the essential workers that were able to 12 00:02:03,930 --> 00:02:17,940 receive the vaccine earlier in the process, but as President Biden has said, the goal is to make sure that the bulk of adults who want to get the vaccine can get it as of May have it at least this summer. So, 13 00:02:18,330 --> 00:02:19,590 we keep doing that work. 14 00:02:20,160 --> 00:02:28,140 You know, if you haven't been vaccinated please seriously consider doing so. I got my first vaccination dose my next one will be in about a couple of weeks so, 15 00:02:28,710 --> 00:02:36,060 I'm, you know, ready to go and just sort of re-face the world. I'm gonna start traveling in the summer, if I can. So that's the really, 16 00:02:36,600 --> 00:02:48,060 today's meeting is an opportunity for us to start thinking through and continuing the work that we've done in the past to move us towards returning to in person instruction on campus. 17 00:02:48,450 --> 00:02:58,470 We have not been closed. We've been working, every one of us knows that. We're engaged in doing really great work and supporting students leading the mission of the institution, under these circumstances. 18 00:02:58,770 --> 00:03:01,470 We're now looking at returning back to campus, 19 00:03:01,830 --> 00:03:10,230 and in returning back to campus having to sort of re envision what our new normal is and will be. 20 00:03:10,950 --> 00:03:21,210 So today's an opportunity for that conversation. Thank you to those of you who are have agreed to serve on this operational planning meeting, operational planning group, sorry. 21 00:03:21,660 --> 00:03:33,990 And the operational planning group and I'll sort of flash the names of the individuals in a second, but the operational planning group is a representative group of folks from our campus community and from our community. 22 00:03:34,980 --> 00:03:49,170 So we have faculty, we have staff, we have administrators, we have students, and we also have folks from our local community who are serving on this source, to help us as we navigate being members of the Moorpark community. 23 00:03:50,280 --> 00:03:59,490 It is very important that we see that this group, this work group as an opportunity to filter information so that we can help 24 00:03:59,760 --> 00:04:07,140 plan, we can help craft the learning environment, the working environment that we will be engaged in, in the fall. 25 00:04:07,800 --> 00:04:16,200 Every one of us, every one of you, and every member of our campus community is part of this planning effort, and I think it's important for us to think about that. 26 00:04:16,800 --> 00:04:22,170 That we're all a part of this work of making sure that when we come back to campus we're doing it safely. 27 00:04:22,590 --> 00:04:31,350 Making sure that when we come back to campus that we're looking at ways in which we can continue to effect learning in meaningful ways for our students. 28 00:04:31,770 --> 00:04:36,930 Making sure the work environment is safe and consistent for our employees. 29 00:04:37,470 --> 00:04:47,460 And equally as important that we're able to do the magic that we do in Moorpark College community family, right? That we adjust, we change, we do better. 30 00:04:48,120 --> 00:05:01,830 So today is an opportunity for us to get the members of that work group together and we thought it'd be a great idea to invite the rest of campus to hear the first meeting and to participate in the first meeting of this work group. 31 00:05:02,550 --> 00:05:07,800 I'm going to share with you the work group members in a second, so you know who they are. 32 00:05:13,020 --> 00:05:17,460 Okay, now, can you see this? Or is it like itty bitty tiny 33 00:05:18,660 --> 00:05:29,370 print? Okay so I'm just going to sort of show you, with you the names of the members of the operational planning group and you'll see sort of, you know, who they are, who they are 34 00:05:30,300 --> 00:05:31,230 representing. 35 00:05:34,380 --> 00:05:43,320 So we have a Shandor Batockzi for SEIU he's also a Library Tech at institution, Marina Bayless is the ASMC 36 00:05:44,100 --> 00:05:45,210 Finance 37 00:05:52,830 --> 00:05:57,630 Thank you so much. Oleg Bespalov, Dean, Robert 38 00:05:58,440 --> 00:06:08,490 Cabral, Dean, Matt Calfin, Dean, Allison Case Barton from the health center, Jennifer Clark, Business Admin Services Vice President, 39 00:06:09,510 --> 00:06:25,350 Khushnur Dadabhoy, Dean, Howard Davis, Dean, Lynda Dobson, College Services contact John Everlove, Allied Health EMT Coordinator, Chris Fennell, Moorpark High School at Moorpark College, and PJ Gagajena, 40 00:06:26,400 --> 00:06:35,880 Assistant City Manager, Moorpark. Thank you so much for joining us. We are members in the Moorpark community, and we want to make sure that we integrate our community members into our planning process. 41 00:06:37,020 --> 00:06:47,790 Monica Garcia, Dean, Amanuel Gebru, Student Services Vice President, Hugo Hernandez, the AFT, but also our faculty in history, 42 00:06:48,300 --> 00:06:57,510 Carol Higashida, Dean, Lieutenant Huisenga, Police, Ashiwin Naresh Kumar, ASMC Student Organizations, 43 00:06:58,470 --> 00:07:07,980 John Loprieno, Director of Institutional Advancement Community Relations and Marketing, Dan McMichael, Director of Technology, 44 00:07:08,550 --> 00:07:18,900 Priscilla Mora, Dean, Cynthia Osuna, Business Admin Services, Michelle Perry, Fiscal, Mary Rees, Academic Affairs Vice President, 45 00:07:19,290 --> 00:07:26,010 Erik Reese, Academic Senate President, Linda Resendiz Classified Senate President, John Sinutko, 46 00:07:26,400 --> 00:07:37,020 from Facilities M&O, and me. So this is, these are the members of the Operational Planning team, we will invite guests as necessary, but again 47 00:07:37,530 --> 00:07:43,080 these are the official members, but this is not an exclusive group. At the end of today will be asking you 48 00:07:43,320 --> 00:07:54,120 others whom you feel should join this team, but we want to make sure that it's a group of folks who are committed to doing this work and will be present on a consistent basis and that consistency will help us frame 49 00:07:54,750 --> 00:08:06,060 our work. So that is the membership of the group. Our intention today is to really sort of give you a sense of where we're at. 50 00:08:07,020 --> 00:08:19,260 Our intention today is to be explicit in terms of getting feedback from you as our campus community. What are your concerns. What are your expectations. 51 00:08:19,830 --> 00:08:25,920 This is an opportunity for us to plan together. We do not have all the answers. We will not have all the answers. 52 00:08:26,580 --> 00:08:36,750 The fall semester's five months away. Anyone who expects that we have answers right now knows that that's not realistic. What we can do is try and plan and be as 53 00:08:37,140 --> 00:08:42,420 nimble as possible so that we can pivot as the opportunity presents itself. 54 00:08:43,170 --> 00:08:53,760 We don't know all the answers. I don't know all the answers. I look to you. We look to you for us to do this work together. Yes, will decisions have to be made and will the decisions have to be made by those of us 55 00:08:55,050 --> 00:09:06,330 managing the institution? Yes, of course, that's our responsibility to you, but your responsibility to us and to the rest of the community is to help us understand what your concerns are so that we can be 56 00:09:08,850 --> 00:09:15,060 we can effectively address it, we can be authentic in the way in which we explore and address the situation. 57 00:09:15,660 --> 00:09:22,440 There's so many things that have been done, and we hope that today you'll hear what some of those some of those things are. 58 00:09:22,950 --> 00:09:29,100 you'll get a sense of areas where there are gaps, where we need to fill those gaps and we'll be able to address some questions that you have. 59 00:09:29,580 --> 00:09:41,310 This will be so much as presenting but also hearing from you, so it's not just talking heads for the next hour and 20 minutes or so, it really is an interactive engagement, so that we can get from you. 60 00:09:41,790 --> 00:09:48,420 At the end of this meeting today, our goal is to sort of set up as best as possible and identify times 61 00:09:48,810 --> 00:09:54,990 for a consistent meeting of this work group every two weeks that they get an opportunity for this group to gather together. 62 00:09:55,590 --> 00:10:02,070 For those of you who have to plan the operational plan for fall 2020, it's a similar engagement. 63 00:10:02,880 --> 00:10:17,250 This time around our goal is to really work towards creating the Moorpark College specific plan, the Moorpark College specific operation elements, so that way we can roll that out and employ that in work that 64 00:10:17,910 --> 00:10:31,950 is to come. So that's my piece for today. The goal here is for us to really engage one another. Please do not be shy. As you can see we've asked you to please try unmute yourself, but if you have questions, please, 65 00:10:32,670 --> 00:10:37,050 you know, raise your hands, use the reaction button or type in chat. 66 00:10:37,620 --> 00:10:48,930 This is really an opportunity for us to gather as a community and begin this conversation. Once again I thank those of you who will be members of this operational planning group for all the work that is ahead. I know that 67 00:10:49,950 --> 00:10:56,280 we, the college community are here in support and in service to this work. I will pass it on to 68 00:10:56,970 --> 00:11:00,210 Dr. Jennifer Clark our Vice President of Business Services. 69 00:11:00,870 --> 00:11:02,310 Jennifer Clark: Good afternoon everybody. 70 00:11:03,000 --> 00:11:05,280 I'm going to try to keep this very brief. 71 00:11:06,300 --> 00:11:15,840 I'm going to try to catch everybody up to sort of what is, in terms of the operations on campus if you've not been on campus 72 00:11:16,380 --> 00:11:30,420 lately, and then i'll share very briefly sort of what we're thinking about in terms of the fall, but again I don't want to take, we've only got 20 minutes for this section. So again I'll try to be brief, just so that we can begin to have a dialogue, 73 00:11:31,350 --> 00:11:41,100 ask questions, voice concerns that sort of thing. The items that are listed on the agenda, there are six of them cleaning, ventilations, health screening, contact 74 00:11:41,700 --> 00:11:51,210 tracing, vaccinations, physical space modifications, and food. This is not an exhaustive list of all things that fall under operations, there are many other items. 75 00:11:51,540 --> 00:12:02,700 These are just again in thinking and brainstorming for the purposes of this meeting, these were the items that sort of came to the top of our heads, initially, as points that we wanted to hit on, but this does not 76 00:12:03,030 --> 00:12:08,280 I mean if we've left something off, which is entirely possible, please bring those issues up as well. 77 00:12:09,210 --> 00:12:15,480 So with that I will simply, again I'm going to try to go through these quickly. So cleaning, 78 00:12:16,050 --> 00:12:29,100 I will say that we are compliant, we are as compliant as we possibly possibly can be, with OSHA and we will continue to be compliant at minimum the OSHA guidelines that are 79 00:12:29,940 --> 00:12:42,030 presented or available to us that's sort of the baseline for us. And ow it may, will there be new, updated guidelines from OSHA? That's certainly very possible. 80 00:12:43,050 --> 00:13:01,260 Again that's sort of what we that's sort of the the authority that we pay attention to in terms of cleaning. In terms of, so cleaning, we are looking at, of course, shared spaces happening at least daily. 81 00:13:03,660 --> 00:13:09,570 Staff have machines that allow them to do high capacity, high volume cleaning very quickly. 82 00:13:09,990 --> 00:13:22,680 We know that for fall, in terms of cleaning in between courses, we are doing our best to schedule enough time between courses. I believe 30 minutes is what is allowable to allow 83 00:13:23,310 --> 00:13:36,450 staff to get in in between courses or classes to physically clean that room with those machines that I mentioned, to have in time for the next class. This will likely 84 00:13:37,710 --> 00:13:44,220 necessitate the need for us to hire additional staff, which we are very prepared to do 85 00:13:44,910 --> 00:13:58,470 for the time being we have CARES money we have one, we have two, we've heard we're going to have a wave three so as long as we need to we can have those people in place to help us do whatever cleaning is necessary 86 00:13:59,130 --> 00:14:05,670 in those spaces. Ventilation, I will say that we do flush out, we have air, 87 00:14:06,060 --> 00:14:16,200 fresh air flushed out two hours before every single day, but two hours before people come onto campus, we have fresh air being flowed through our system. 88 00:14:16,530 --> 00:14:34,740 We have at least merv and according to OSHA, merv 13 filters everywhere. A couple of buildings are even up to a higher standard, merv 15, which the I think it's the LMC and I know the gym have the HEPA filters which are the merv 15 filters. So, in addition to that we're looking at 89 00:14:36,780 --> 00:14:43,290 additional like you've it's UVC solution we're actually looking at district wide, 90 00:14:44,820 --> 00:14:57,570 a UV solution within the ducting. That would be an additional layer of air purification so as air flowed through the ducts this UVC light would be again in the ducting 91 00:14:58,260 --> 00:15:10,710 helping to kill additional pathogens that pass through, and we do have airflow passing through a complete air exchange every six minutes, no I sorry every 10 minutes six times an hour. 92 00:15:12,180 --> 00:15:21,030 Health screening and contact tracing that's something that we've been doing for a number of months now. I will say that I know Allison, I see Allison nodding her head. 93 00:15:21,420 --> 00:15:26,370 Her team at the end, at Student Health Center have been doing an amazing job doing the contact tracing. 94 00:15:26,640 --> 00:15:35,580 We have an app that everyone's been using as they come onto campus. They go through that they answer the basic health questions, the health screeners kind of check their temperature, 95 00:15:35,910 --> 00:15:41,130 when they get a green past they come on the campus there are QR codes that let us know where they've been. 96 00:15:41,430 --> 00:15:56,010 People are on the whole very compliant with that system. I expect that we will continue to do so and that really, really helps on the back end Allison's staff do the contact racing so that there is any kind of issue exposure or whatnot, 97 00:15:56,370 --> 00:16:07,110 we have a database, we have information as to who to contact, when, but, you know, it helps them in their contact tracing work. So that will continue 98 00:16:07,470 --> 00:16:22,110 for the foreseeable future. Will we have additional screening station, additional health screeners? That's very likely. We are expecting more people to come on campus. So where, and how many, and what that's going to look like, we have yet to determine that. 99 00:16:23,220 --> 00:16:34,590 Again, we're still planning, but we know we're thinking we're going to have to expand that program very likely. We know that vaccinations are going to play a role in this, as 100 00:16:35,220 --> 00:16:43,170 we'll get there either the Johnson and Johnson they're single vaccine, or with the other two Moderna or Pfizer that requires two 101 00:16:43,410 --> 00:16:56,040 vaccinations, as people go through that process, there will be some update to the system. I don't know that Allison I'm seeing Allison nodding her head I don't know that the company, the software company has yet worked out exactly what that's 102 00:16:56,040 --> 00:16:56,880 going to look like, 103 00:16:57,300 --> 00:17:02,730 but there will be a way for people to in the system, indicate that they have been vaccinated 104 00:17:03,000 --> 00:17:15,600 and I expect that that will provide some sort of a fast track for checking through the screening stations and getting onto campus. Exactly what that looks like? Not sure, but the vaccinations are going to play a role. 105 00:17:17,490 --> 00:17:33,150 Space modifications, our physical space modifications, our F M O staff are amazing have been doing amazing work have already started on this. We know that in the Student Health Center we've already got plexiglass that has been installed. We know in 106 00:17:34,320 --> 00:17:38,280 in Fountain Hall, in the welcome center they're working on this 107 00:17:38,580 --> 00:17:51,480 counter in A&R also in Financial Aid right by the business office and a number of other locations we're talking about division offices, but I know the fountain hall plexiglass is largely it is nearing completion. 108 00:17:52,140 --> 00:18:02,610 So we know that there are going to be these structures or these barriers installed for fall. Again we know the high traffic areas so we're installing them now. 109 00:18:03,000 --> 00:18:11,610 There are going to be some nuances, right, so, we know that people are also working offices in Business, in division offices, Counseling staff. 110 00:18:12,030 --> 00:18:17,100 We're aware of all of that. We know that Financial Aid also has very small spaces, 111 00:18:17,460 --> 00:18:30,390 which physical distancing at six feet isn't possible, so we're looking at alternative locations where people might set up office, whether that's in a classroom again, a much larger space, so that people can physically distance. 112 00:18:30,660 --> 00:18:39,540 But again, the nuances of each department in each area those plans we still have to work out, but these are all things that we've been thinking about and know have to be 113 00:18:40,050 --> 00:18:51,420 woven into our fall plan. And lastly, I just want to mention, we know food is an issue and it will be a larger issue, as we have more students on campus. I will say at this point 114 00:18:51,990 --> 00:19:09,810 for people that are on campus we do allow eating on campus in designated areas, it's outside only there are no there's no indoor eating at this time. And we ask that people, you know, physically distance outside if they are eating their lunch or whatever. 115 00:19:11,160 --> 00:19:18,570 Now as the fall rolls out again, you know, we have vending machines that potentially, you know, could be 116 00:19:19,140 --> 00:19:29,370 in service again they're not currently in service what's that going to look like if students are on campus longer, we know that this, these are potential issues that we have that will have to work out. We are 117 00:19:29,700 --> 00:19:38,250 more eating on campus we'll have to figure out how and when and where and what is the safest and most effective way 118 00:19:38,850 --> 00:19:56,340 to allow that on campus for the fall if we're going down that road. So that was my spiel. We have a few minutes still in this section. So we want to kind of open it up and have people, you know, share your thoughts, ask questions, etc, and so on. 119 00:20:04,380 --> 00:20:06,690 Priscilla Mora: Jennifer are you able to describe 120 00:20:07,050 --> 00:20:10,770 where the locations are that are allowable for eating food? 121 00:20:11,370 --> 00:20:23,400 Jennifer: At this point, Priscilla, the Campus Center is closed, has been closed, right? At this point the places that are designated are really outside. So there are tables 122 00:20:23,880 --> 00:20:33,600 I think there are tables that have been, that are available in close proximity to all of the buildings where people are working currently. So it's basically an outside table. 123 00:20:34,410 --> 00:20:37,770 Priscilla: Okay, so any outside space it's not a designated 124 00:20:37,770 --> 00:20:38,340 outside- [Jennifer]: Yes. 125 00:20:38,700 --> 00:20:40,320 Priscilla: All right, okay. Great thank you. 126 00:20:41,970 --> 00:20:43,500 Elizabeth Nielsen: Jennifer this Elizabeth. 127 00:20:44,190 --> 00:20:54,720 [Jennifer]: Hi Elizabeth. [Elizabeth]: Hi, what plans do we have to address the social distancing and the restroom use in the 128 00:20:55,110 --> 00:21:11,370 Administration building, because those restrooms are very, very tiny, and the fact that we have both faculty and staff and students using that area, sometimes without hot water, I'm wondering if that's been given any thought? 129 00:21:12,570 --> 00:21:14,190 Jennifer: Well, we know that. 130 00:21:14,700 --> 00:21:15,810 So we know 131 00:21:15,870 --> 00:21:22,350 the sort of the guidelines six feet, as you say, as you point out it is a very small a restroom. 132 00:21:23,040 --> 00:21:36,900 What I've seen and it's not practical for us to stand to have a monitor standing outside the door, for example, all day long, that's not practical. So I expect it will be sort of a self monitoring thing. 133 00:21:37,680 --> 00:21:42,450 Again, if should fall calm and that and the physical distancing is still six feet, 134 00:21:42,750 --> 00:21:50,430 knowing that that restroom is as small as it is, my recommendation is to put a sign, what comes to my mind, is 135 00:21:50,700 --> 00:21:58,830 put a sign on the door just to say, you know, due to the limitations of the room, you know, one person or two persons or whatever the 136 00:21:59,040 --> 00:22:08,310 whatever someone tells me is allowable in terms of the square footage of that room, we would just say one or two people at a time and just people would have to self monitor. 137 00:22:09,480 --> 00:22:09,930 Elizabeth: Thank you. 138 00:22:16,050 --> 00:22:21,480 Jennifer: Are there any other like concerns that I haven't hit on? 139 00:22:21,930 --> 00:22:29,700 Julius: Jennifer there's some questions in the chat and one has to do with presence of outdoor hand washing stations if we would be 140 00:22:31,380 --> 00:22:33,660 getting some of those and putting some of those in place. 141 00:22:33,840 --> 00:22:47,700 Jennifer: So certainly I don't know about hand washing stations, that requires water and certainly we have been trying to source from the get go and I saw John is on the call, 142 00:22:50,670 --> 00:22:56,910 sanitizing stations for months and months and months. I think we were able to 143 00:22:57,900 --> 00:23:15,450 to procure some more recently. I have lost track as to how many we've been able to procure, but certainly having additional hand sanitizing stations is absolutely part of what we're thinking about. And I'm seeing John nod his head. 144 00:23:18,450 --> 00:23:21,720 So I'm sorry it's hard for me to see chat and share my screen at 145 00:23:21,720 --> 00:23:34,350 the same time. [Julius]: Yeah no worries there's another question regarding vaccinations, it says from Tiffany, "Do we know if vaccinations will be required or recommended, optional for faculty?" and then it has folks, students with questions. 146 00:23:35,550 --> 00:23:39,120 Jennifer: Do you want to address that Julius, because I think the Chancellor. Yeah. 147 00:23:39,150 --> 00:23:47,460 Julius: Yeah so just to be very clear, we are encouraging and highly encouraging folks to get vaccinated. 148 00:23:48,420 --> 00:23:56,520 We are recommending it we're highly recommend it and we're encouraging it, both faculty and students when that opportunity presents itself. 149 00:23:57,390 --> 00:24:08,190 We are not mandating at this point in time, that faculty or students get vaccinated, we are encouraging our faculty to do so, and our staff to do so, and administrators to do so. 150 00:24:08,730 --> 00:24:16,440 It is just best practice in terms of the environment in which we exist in. The more folks who are vaccinated, the safer we can be. 151 00:24:17,280 --> 00:24:28,890 We cannot require that students get vaccinated at this point. There is no legislation that that requires that, but like we will be doing with our faculty and staff we'll undergo campaign 152 00:24:29,220 --> 00:24:36,480 that encourages students to get vaccinated. I think the best case scenario for at least the beginning of the fall semester, 153 00:24:36,780 --> 00:24:41,940 is that we will have mixed status people on campus there'll be folks who are vaccinated folks who are not vaccinated. 154 00:24:42,270 --> 00:24:53,970 That is the reality of what the beginning of the fall semester will look like and thus, we still need to practice social distancing, wearing of our face masks, full face covering. We still need to be aware. 155 00:24:59,430 --> 00:25:02,460 Okay, we still have to be aware of the CDC guidelines. 156 00:25:10,200 --> 00:25:21,960 Jennifer: So any other thoughts on this topic before I because I'm looking at the time. Five five and 20 is 30. We're at 4:31 I want to try to make sure we have time for the other items. 157 00:25:22,320 --> 00:25:24,540 Elizabeth: There's another question, there Julius. 158 00:25:24,750 --> 00:25:34,860 Julius: Yes there's a question about office space, "Are there any plans to rotate faculty use of office space? Many of our faculty offices do not provide opportunity to socially distance from each other." 159 00:25:36,360 --> 00:25:49,140 Jennifer: So I think that that is when I refer to the nuances of each department. I think that's one of the nuances. So that's one of the, you know, the many ways to approach this issue. 160 00:25:50,160 --> 00:25:59,460 You know, physical barriers is one, rotating people sort of have different days or different schedules that's another way of handling it. 161 00:26:00,060 --> 00:26:07,590 Having, you know, some people at home some days and other people at work other days. It really depends on the department 162 00:26:07,920 --> 00:26:19,920 the division. Whatever works or whatever is best for, you know, whether it's the student population that you deal with, or, you know, whoever your customers are in your area. 163 00:26:20,670 --> 00:26:33,240 It's whatever works best for your particular department. So those the details that are to be worked out sort of in that department, but rotating is certainly, it's certainly an option very viable option. 164 00:26:36,600 --> 00:26:38,160 Julius: And just as we talked about 165 00:26:39,240 --> 00:26:47,010 folks who are classified professionals being able to, you know, take over classroom spaces and use them for meeting students and 166 00:26:47,340 --> 00:27:02,790 hosting our their office hours, we can consider the same thing for faculty. So just so that we're aware of our goal is to make sure that everyone is in a space where they are safe, where they feel secure to work, and where it is appropriate. 167 00:27:05,310 --> 00:27:13,530 The other question is, "Could we require that those who are not vaccinated must remain online rather than on campus?" We cannot require that students at this time. 168 00:27:17,910 --> 00:27:20,490 [Jennifer]: Okay. [Tiffany Pawluk]: Can we require that of faculty? I'm sorry this is Tiffany. 169 00:27:21,540 --> 00:27:25,200 Julius: At this time, we are not thinking of requiring that of faculty. 170 00:27:26,880 --> 00:27:29,820 [Tiffany]: Thank you, that was something that had come up in my area. [Julius]: Yeah. 171 00:27:31,560 --> 00:27:45,540 [Deb Brackley]: I have a quick question about Tutoring? [Julius]: Yes. [Deb]: If we do open the Tutoring Center let's just say for appointments, how often would that space be able to be cleaned because it's not like a classroom it's different? 172 00:27:46,530 --> 00:27:47,970 Jennifer: Right that's a great question. 173 00:27:50,550 --> 00:27:51,030 Deb: So. 174 00:27:51,540 --> 00:28:00,990 Julius: Questions there are a bunch of questions that you're going to ask today, so we're going to say here's a question for the operational group to handle, right? That's why we have this operational group. So, 175 00:28:01,530 --> 00:28:14,880 please keep a log keep a running log of these questions that fall into that category. For those of you who are in the operational group, these are some of the questions that you will have to help us answer, so that we can be effective. Thank you Deb that's a great question. 176 00:28:14,970 --> 00:28:30,270 Jennifer: And if you have suggestions Deb because you are the most familiar with how things run at peak times the, you know, the setup of the room, I mean if you have suggestions, please, or, if you want to participate, 177 00:28:30,720 --> 00:28:36,330 please, I mean we, you know, we need all the brains, we can get on this as possible, so. 178 00:28:38,610 --> 00:28:44,670 So is it okay, if I go to the funding item now is that all right? 179 00:28:45,510 --> 00:28:48,510 Linda Resendiz: There's two persons that have their hand raised. 180 00:28:48,720 --> 00:28:50,670 I don't know if you want to answer their questions, one is 181 00:28:52,530 --> 00:28:54,330 I can't pronounce your name is it Loay? 182 00:28:54,780 --> 00:28:55,950 [Loay Alanji]: Yes. [Jennifer]: Loay. 183 00:28:56,310 --> 00:28:57,360 Linda: Loay and then 184 00:28:57,600 --> 00:28:59,790 the next is Hugo. 185 00:29:01,440 --> 00:29:08,040 Loay: I'll speak fast. In the computer lab we have 44 machines, we expect to have 10 to 20 186 00:29:08,670 --> 00:29:16,620 students there. Since they're going to be there and I'm gonna have to walk to them and help them with their code, we cannot do that, of course, 187 00:29:17,130 --> 00:29:33,540 can we have an application installed, which is available where from my machine, I can click on it and just see his machine and I'll have either control over it, or at least I can see what he's typing and hence I can guide them without me having to walk to them? [Jennifer]: Yeah. 188 00:29:34,230 --> 00:29:38,640 that is a perfect example of a CARES eligible expense, 189 00:29:38,910 --> 00:29:49,230 certainly. So I would ask you to work with your dean and admin to submit that paperwork to get that requisition going so that we can order that software. 190 00:29:49,920 --> 00:29:51,360 Loay: What is it called? 191 00:29:51,960 --> 00:29:52,470 Jennifer: I'm sorry? 192 00:29:52,920 --> 00:29:54,420 Loay: What is it called under what? 193 00:29:54,690 --> 00:29:58,650 [Jennifer]: It's the CARES funding. [Loay]: CARES, thank you. 194 00:29:58,980 --> 00:30:02,310 [Mary Rees]: You can work with Robert he can help you get that Loay. [Loay]: Thank you. 195 00:30:03,210 --> 00:30:05,940 Jennifer: Thank you, great question, Loay. Hugo? 196 00:30:06,720 --> 00:30:26,100 [Hugo Hernandez]: Hi Jen. I was just wanting to verify, he said that in a point to ventilation that fresh air is brought into the each building two hours before? [Jennifer]: Yes. [Hugo]: And you said that all ventilation systems or HVAC systems have M 13 except for some that have greater like M 15 or M 197 00:30:26,130 --> 00:30:32,160 HEPA filters? [Jennifer]: Yes, there are two buildings that have M 15 which is the HEPA filters, which is a higher standard. 198 00:30:32,460 --> 00:30:34,110 And those are the two newer, 199 00:30:34,740 --> 00:30:40,890 newer buildings, the gym and I think it's LMC isn't it John? No, sorry I'm getting 200 00:30:41,760 --> 00:30:42,510 HSC? [Julius]: The Health and Sciences Building. 201 00:30:44,700 --> 00:30:46,110 Jennifer: Sorry, say that again John? 202 00:30:46,410 --> 00:30:47,130 John Sinutko: HSC. 203 00:30:47,430 --> 00:30:52,410 Jennifer: HSC. Thank you I apologize. Those are the two rooms that are the two buildings that are newer. 204 00:30:52,980 --> 00:31:01,110 Hugo: And then the last point of clarification, did you say that the air is exchanged through the systems six times an hour 10 times an hour? 205 00:31:01,680 --> 00:31:03,870 [Jennifer]: Six times an hour, every 10 minutes. [Hugo]: Thank you. 206 00:31:06,900 --> 00:31:17,640 Jennifer: And that will continue, and when again when we get the UVC that's moving forward that will be an additional as every 10 minutes that air is flowing through, every 10 minutes it's going to be 207 00:31:17,640 --> 00:31:21,870 zapped that UVC light in the ducting. 208 00:31:22,680 --> 00:31:35,220 Hugo: Thank you. I just wanted to clarify, because there are a number of questions about ventilation, you know, being one of the most important aspects of feeling safe and comfortable on campus. So I wanted to know where we were at 209 00:31:35,490 --> 00:31:44,820 currently. Thank you. [Jennifer]: Yes, I do want to say we have some portables that are in a different situation. So we have the portables the EOPS, 210 00:31:46,740 --> 00:31:57,180 those portables and then the high school portables and I think John those are the only two portables right? Yes, so those do not have the Merv 13 211 00:31:57,780 --> 00:32:10,470 filters those do have the windows that open, unlike the buildings. So there's a different process that is used that will be used for those particular locations. 212 00:32:11,820 --> 00:32:12,240 Hugo: Thank you. 213 00:32:15,690 --> 00:32:21,450 Jennifer: Okay, well, if there are no other questions I was going to move on to the pandemic relief funding and try to hit that, 214 00:32:22,500 --> 00:32:23,850 as quickly as I can. 215 00:32:25,320 --> 00:32:34,560 I'm not going to give the the details. Suffice it to say that we have had, we are having a lot of money federal money 216 00:32:35,070 --> 00:32:44,130 being given to not only Moorpark, but to all colleges and universities across the nation starting last year last so, 2020. 217 00:32:44,670 --> 00:32:54,000 The first money started coming through in April of 2020 and that was the CARES Act, and that was directed at students and then shortly thereafter 218 00:32:54,390 --> 00:33:01,710 money started flowing to the campuses. So that was sort of the first wave of CARES funding, right, and that was two and a half million for 219 00:33:02,250 --> 00:33:21,960 students and two and a half million roughly for the campus. So now here we are almost a year later, and we know that as of December 27th, last year, so about three months ago, there was a second round that was signed by the President a second round of pandemic relief. 220 00:33:23,760 --> 00:33:32,070 It has not, the money has not started flowing yet to the campus. I expect we will be getting the money very, very shortly. 221 00:33:32,820 --> 00:33:52,050 But it is more than it was the first round. So the second round is now, I want to say so, the second round for students is about another two and a half million dollars in direct student aid. The institutional portion is almost 8 million dollars. 222 00:33:53,700 --> 00:34:10,830 So we have plans for hands that we're talking about in terms of facilities and how can we create outdoor structures, outdoor locations to hold classes, which I'm sure Mary's going to get into, 223 00:34:11,730 --> 00:34:21,690 that are going to allow us moving forward to have more options, more classroom options for a variety of difference. So that's 224 00:34:24,450 --> 00:34:31,410 quite an emphasis of the second round of funding is what we're looking at in terms of physical spaces to have classes. 225 00:34:31,830 --> 00:34:43,980 There has just been announced as of a few days ago, a third round of funding that will be coming to the campus. We know that I don't have an exact dollar amounts, 226 00:34:44,310 --> 00:35:01,560 but we know that the third round of funding is going to be about $18 million to Moorpark College alone, half of that is for students in direct aid so about 9 million for students directly, and another 9 million for the institution. 227 00:35:02,790 --> 00:35:16,050 So that's a lot of a lot of funds, a lot of federal funds and then we also have the Covid Relief Block Grant, which is another say $600,000, 700,000 when you count the fed- 228 00:35:16,890 --> 00:35:24,060 well I'm sorry it's about 900,000 total when you factor in the federal portion and the state portion, 229 00:35:24,990 --> 00:35:35,070 that we've had for a few months now, and we've been spending it we have another year to spend that money as well. So I don't even know adding all those numbers up it's just a lot of money. 230 00:35:36,060 --> 00:35:50,790 And so, this is another reason why we have you all here as part of this group, so that you can help us strategize on how, at least with the institutional portion, how we can best 231 00:35:51,660 --> 00:36:04,890 strategize to spend the money on of course items that are related to the pandemic and therefore allowable but that are going to allow Moorpark, you know, sort of moving forward, you know, 232 00:36:05,880 --> 00:36:12,630 facilities or improvements that are just going to make it better for our campus in the long run, that we can continue to take advantage of. 233 00:36:12,900 --> 00:36:15,180 I mean, like the air filtration system, I. 234 00:36:15,180 --> 00:36:25,200 mean that's that's great for Covid, but it's great in, you know, in terms of just general health and safety moving forward. So, you know, we all feel really good about that idea. 235 00:36:26,670 --> 00:36:28,560 Anyway, so I'll shut up now. Are there any questions or comments? 236 00:36:30,660 --> 00:36:36,030 [Linda]: Jennifer, Ashwin had a his hand up. Did you have a question Ashwin? [Jennifer]: Ashwin. 237 00:36:36,660 --> 00:36:50,460 Ashwin Naresh: Yeah I asked it in the chat. It was basically will be computers still be accessible for students in the library and Fountain Hall, and if so the keyboards and mice be sanitized often? 238 00:36:53,340 --> 00:36:55,860 Jennifer: So yes, that is part of 239 00:36:58,050 --> 00:37:10,050 the cleaning process and we our FM & O staff have machines that help them do that very quickly. Particularly the computer lab, like, for example, 240 00:37:11,040 --> 00:37:28,500 we might if we have a class, Loay has his students in in his in that room for an hour, you know, another class maybe comes in half an hour after that, FM & O staff can come in and they have a machine that will allow them in 10 minutes to disinfect 241 00:37:29,250 --> 00:37:39,840 all surfaces in that room at once. So, and then it needs about another five minutes to dry. So yes, that includes keyboards, mice, it's all surfaces. 242 00:37:41,070 --> 00:37:41,580 Ashwin: Thank you. 243 00:37:43,590 --> 00:37:52,200 Linda: Ruth is asking, "If we buy the FLRs and place them in lot H, where will food distribution be done?" 244 00:37:52,650 --> 00:37:55,920 Jennifer: So it won't be in lot H, it will be in the overflow parking lot. 245 00:37:57,090 --> 00:38:04,260 So, that but Ruth that is that's kind of in the top of my mind as well because 246 00:38:05,610 --> 00:38:09,570 we know that and field hockey is another 247 00:38:10,620 --> 00:38:11,550 that field, 248 00:38:12,570 --> 00:38:26,250 we know that we have an outside group that use the field as well, and so and there's parking and parent drop off. We know we have food distribution in that area, at least twice a week and we'd love to be able to expand it I know, 249 00:38:26,700 --> 00:38:35,730 three days a week, four days a week, I mean every day of the week, would be fantastic I don't know that we can do that, but we obviously want to do that as much as we can, having 250 00:38:36,000 --> 00:38:43,260 those classroom setup and the overflow area, we know that that will have some sort of impact on traffic. 251 00:38:44,160 --> 00:38:57,450 So that is something that we're going to have to think about and work out, but it is definitely something that we have thought about but yes, thank you for raising that question, so we can make it in the notes and make sure that we address that, because that is a concern, thank you. 252 00:39:04,050 --> 00:39:04,650 Hey Tim. 253 00:39:04,950 --> 00:39:11,010 Tim Lumas: Yes, I was there today with Ruben Castro. We do our food sure they're also on Fridays. 254 00:39:11,580 --> 00:39:19,350 The classrooms where there will be is not an issue, but I think the major problem is going to be students are going to want to park down there, instead of walking. 255 00:39:19,830 --> 00:39:31,380 And the parking is limited and there are times when, especially on Tuesday, that line goes, all the way around the field hockey and back up into the upper part of lot H and the soccer field if 256 00:39:32,040 --> 00:39:41,760 you have that building there, [Jennifer]: Yeah. [Tim]: you restrict parking that would be easier if, you know, on everybody with not that it's going to be congested. 257 00:39:42,180 --> 00:39:48,900 Jennifer: Yeah I hear you. So as part of the current operation that was put in place for last fall, 258 00:39:49,260 --> 00:39:59,190 we had restricted areas where parking was allowable for students and faculty. There are designated spots on campus that are allowable, other areas are not allowable. 259 00:40:00,180 --> 00:40:04,770 So I can't tell you exactly what that will look like for the fall, how 260 00:40:05,430 --> 00:40:20,640 much that might be modified, but that is definitely something that we will have to address to make sure that we have very specific designated areas for students and faculty to park, so that we don't interfere with, you know, students getting to their class, 261 00:40:21,240 --> 00:40:29,370 or, you know, the food share program, or the field hockey folks, or whatever it is. So parking is definitely an issue that we will 262 00:40:30,330 --> 00:40:41,820 be looking at and addressing knowing that there will be a higher sort of a census, more people on campus, right, in the fall. So thank you for asking that question. 263 00:40:42,630 --> 00:40:43,080 Timothy: Thank you. 264 00:40:44,310 --> 00:40:55,230 Linda: Jennifer? Vanessa Roberts asked "If students will still be able to congregate in the middle of Fountain Hall? Will those computers be moved?" 265 00:40:56,430 --> 00:40:59,850 Jennifer: I thought we were, Mary I thought we were going to move? 266 00:41:00,420 --> 00:41:08,130 Mary: Right. At this time and as Julius and Jennifer have said we're looking at a lot of different options and we will 267 00:41:08,940 --> 00:41:15,000 it's going to be a process and we're going to start with something, and if it doesn't work we'll continue to improve and change it. 268 00:41:15,450 --> 00:41:24,030 But right now, the plan is to not have class rooms being used in Fountain Hall, nor have study areas in Fountain Hall. 269 00:41:24,360 --> 00:41:37,080 So that Fountain hall would be available for the Counseling, A&R, Financial Aid, so that some of the actions that need to take place in that are kind of in small rooms now can move into the classrooms. 270 00:41:38,250 --> 00:41:41,430 So what we would have is other designated areas, the 271 00:41:42,630 --> 00:42:00,600 bottom floor the first floor of the library, LLR, they're set up ideally for computers people to work on computers in there and student study area so that area would work well. And what we'll work on is defining other areas, but right now the plan would not be Fountain Hall. 272 00:42:04,290 --> 00:42:10,710 Linda: One more question from Elizabeth, "Will Covid testing site be located on campus in the fall?" 273 00:42:15,360 --> 00:42:17,820 PJ Gagajena: This is PJ with the city of Moorpark. 274 00:42:17,880 --> 00:42:18,600 Jennifer: Great thank PJ. 275 00:42:18,840 --> 00:42:30,030 PJ: Hi everyone, you know, I'm glad this question came up actually the city had asked the county about this a few weeks ago and with, you know, 276 00:42:30,630 --> 00:42:40,740 rising numbers of vaccinations they've received that the testing would decrease later in the year, and, you know, specifically asked about Moorpark College and 277 00:42:41,190 --> 00:42:53,190 the county is putting a plan together right now to figure out how to distribute Covid testing kits or possibly place them applications accessible to the community. 278 00:42:54,240 --> 00:43:05,250 So, if it does, you know, they do ramp that down, as we see, you know, less cases of Covid, they do for see removing that testing site there. 279 00:43:06,270 --> 00:43:17,700 So we're still waiting for their plan on how they plan to do that county wide, but they for see distributing the testing kits possibly a drug stores or at health facilities and clinics, 280 00:43:18,810 --> 00:43:23,700 but they do understand actually the college, the Moorpark College site is one of the most successful ones in the county but 281 00:43:24,900 --> 00:43:27,810 hopefully we'll hear from them soon once they put that plan together. 282 00:43:29,610 --> 00:43:30,540 Jennifer: Thank you PJ. 283 00:43:31,140 --> 00:43:31,680 PJ: Sure, you're welcome. 284 00:43:33,540 --> 00:43:33,840 Jennifer: Well if there aren't. 285 00:43:35,130 --> 00:43:35,940 Linda: Two more questions.. 286 00:43:37,770 --> 00:43:38,940 One is, 287 00:43:39,030 --> 00:43:48,270 "Who would be monitoring the first floor of the library and will there be new occupancy limits for the library?" 288 00:43:50,310 --> 00:43:52,530 Mary: You know, clearly we're going to have to have both. 289 00:43:54,240 --> 00:44:00,240 If we have the bottom, the first floor of the library open as a student study area, this would be a good area for 290 00:44:01,170 --> 00:44:12,150 we have two areas, we have a welcome desk for students, and then we have a virtual online student support desk which are both really important things that we've recently added to help students out. 291 00:44:13,260 --> 00:44:16,650 Perhaps one persons that are working in either of those 292 00:44:17,880 --> 00:44:30,720 positions or a different person there at the first floor of the library, that would be able to help the students with the online concerns, as well as would 293 00:44:31,350 --> 00:44:37,470 kind of ensure that we don't get overcrowded. We would mark off where people can be and where they can't be. So, 294 00:44:38,460 --> 00:44:42,210 we would have to keep track of the total numbers, yes, on the bottom floor. 295 00:44:43,140 --> 00:44:59,100 And then we'll talk a little bit about the Tutoring Center but I envisioned that we would have the first floor with certain designated areas. We would probably have a a scheduling system, which is what we set up during the finals and it worked out really nice. 296 00:45:00,660 --> 00:45:02,400 Michael Ashton set us up a 297 00:45:03,450 --> 00:45:10,020 scheduling system, so that students that wanted a place to come in and have reliable internet could come in and use it. 298 00:45:10,860 --> 00:45:21,900 Danielle is telling me the library's looking into a seating assignment system where you would allow which would look like to allow students. So the library's looking at it, so we would schedule down 299 00:45:23,010 --> 00:45:29,130 on the first floor for students, and we would also could schedule up on the Tutoring area as well. 300 00:45:30,150 --> 00:45:43,440 And I think we would try to control numbers, not by counting people coming in, but by through scheduling what's going on on there. Clearly, we would see what assuming those two would work, and if they don't we'll have to continue to improve the systems. 301 00:45:45,420 --> 00:45:47,250 Jennifer: Probably move into instruction Mary. 302 00:45:47,910 --> 00:45:58,170 Mary: Okay, very good. I think one of the first questions that people have and we do appreciate all the questions because they're the things that are on your mind and 303 00:45:58,590 --> 00:46:05,040 if we can help or otherwise we jot them down, and we will kind of work on those areas and that's what the group is intending to do. 304 00:46:06,300 --> 00:46:11,220 Currently, this semester we have about 16% of our classes have an on ground component. 305 00:46:11,820 --> 00:46:22,860 I think most of you heard us talk about that for fall at Moorpark we've been aiming for about 30% with an on ground component. I know, overall, the district is helping for about 50. 306 00:46:23,430 --> 00:46:33,510 And I think, as we move forward we'll be moving in that direction, but right now we're we're probably closer to the 30 mark. It really depends, if we look at 307 00:46:34,530 --> 00:46:43,650 dance, theatre, and arts we're about 70% for fall. If you look at math and 308 00:46:44,700 --> 00:46:56,730 the sciences we're probably about 37%. Some of the other areas are closer to 20% so it's really going to depend on what area. 309 00:46:57,000 --> 00:47:05,400 Because, remember, we went through and tiered all of our courses to define who needed to be on ground in order to accomplish their 310 00:47:05,700 --> 00:47:12,030 first, that we were required by accreditation for their boards and that such as nursing and the rad tech and that. 311 00:47:12,600 --> 00:47:19,560 Then we looked at our tier two, those that are required to be on ground in order to accomplish their student learning outcomes. 312 00:47:19,920 --> 00:47:26,160 And then, our tier three that either because of the faculty or because of students for pedagogical reasons 313 00:47:26,490 --> 00:47:36,060 that they wanted to be on ground and then tier four ones that were prefer had a preference for being online. So we went through and tiered all of the courses, 314 00:47:36,750 --> 00:47:41,220 and right now we're currently doing our tier ones, and our tier two and with 315 00:47:42,210 --> 00:47:51,360 hopefully, some for summer, but mainly for fall we're really hoping to bring our tier threes those that ones that for pedagogical reasons or because the faculty prefer 316 00:47:52,260 --> 00:48:02,040 for their teaching pedagogy to be on ground. An example of that might be math. We know that our math numbers have gone down this year. 317 00:48:03,210 --> 00:48:14,340 We're assuming that a decrease in students signing up for math is partially going to be due to a students being more comfortable with an on ground environment for taking their math classes. 318 00:48:14,880 --> 00:48:25,500 We have our why really clear. Why do we need them to be on ground? Because we believe that the students will do better in that environment or that some students would be I should say. 319 00:48:25,980 --> 00:48:31,140 So we're looking at how to. We try to identify a problem and then try to figure out how to address that. 320 00:48:31,980 --> 00:48:37,830 Jennifer mentioned and I'm sorry Jennifer I thought please be free of talking about the facilities. 321 00:48:38,790 --> 00:48:47,280 We've gone with looking at if we assume that fall is going to require us through Cal OSHA to still be masked and to be six feet apart 322 00:48:48,180 --> 00:48:59,910 distancing, how are we going to do that and increase, have more students come on ground? One of the ways is by providing more large rooms, where the students could be. 323 00:49:00,390 --> 00:49:08,760 And what are the things we're looking at is one is to build an amphitheater, an outdoor facility 324 00:49:09,240 --> 00:49:15,240 it's been on our master plan for, I think, since the start of the campus Julius, you could correct me if I'm wrong on that. 325 00:49:15,780 --> 00:49:31,200 But build one that could be help us out for our theatre for our music and for other courses that can be outdoors with us a shade structure and some storage and we can use that long afterwards. We're also looking at 326 00:49:32,940 --> 00:49:34,050 three different 327 00:49:35,070 --> 00:49:39,630 they're like air supported tents, which really doesn't give them, 328 00:49:40,920 --> 00:49:50,280 doesn't describe them, we're calling them flexible learning rooms. They'll be smart classrooms with heating and air conditioning. And 329 00:49:50,790 --> 00:50:02,430 we will pave the overflow parking lot, we're saying lot down by H, but H is already a parking lot but near that there's a dirt area, we would pave that and then put these 330 00:50:03,420 --> 00:50:17,790 large structures on that. And they're designed to hold 40 to 50 students separated by the required social distances. So these are going to be large structures that we can use afterwards as well, 331 00:50:19,620 --> 00:50:31,890 and they're kind of like if you've seen outdoor sports or sporting events like tennis courts or something like that, that kind of really large structure that goes up those. So yes, FLRs. 332 00:50:34,890 --> 00:50:44,880 Priscilla you're talking about the mentions about an 84 we're probably looking at one's a little bit smaller than the 84. We're probably looking at ones that are be in the 50 range of for students. 333 00:50:45,930 --> 00:50:55,890 So we would have those large structures that would allow us to have one that provide maybe for math all day long we would have math classrooms in that. 334 00:50:56,430 --> 00:51:06,270 We would have a second one that could offer courses, for example, the the sciences, physics, chemistry, the biology all have 55 335 00:51:06,840 --> 00:51:14,130 in those large lectures and then cut down split into two lab rooms. So these would be ideal structures for that. 336 00:51:14,610 --> 00:51:19,710 We're also seriously looking into what if we use the third one, as a testing facility. 337 00:51:20,130 --> 00:51:32,430 And we could schedule and have students come in, either by class or individually if they're in the synchronous, asynchronous, or a whole group come in and do their testing in there and we would have somebody that was 338 00:51:33,420 --> 00:51:39,900 who's there to support the testing, you know, make sure that the students any questions they had and everything was going smoothly in that. 339 00:51:40,500 --> 00:51:53,220 So we would have that. We're also looking to take structures that we don't normally use for instruction, for example, the field house. In the field house, we can put 27 students socially distanced from each other. 340 00:51:54,630 --> 00:52:01,440 And right now we're looking at that, for the English courses that have a cap of 27, so that could work out well. 341 00:52:01,980 --> 00:52:13,770 So we've been hearing that our students need the English and the math. Some of the science lectures on ground and so we're really looking to provide those kind of facilities that can support that. 342 00:52:14,790 --> 00:52:17,310 If we talked about the scheduling, 343 00:52:18,720 --> 00:52:33,600 there was a question about does everybody, what we're looking at is that who needs to come on campus and the why. So for staff when do they need to come on campus and why and we're really working on, as far as when people saying about 344 00:52:34,680 --> 00:52:44,550 the using other classrooms or scheduling alternating schedules and all that, we need to really look at, and it does take more work on all of the groups, 345 00:52:45,570 --> 00:52:54,240 but we need to figure out the why and then have people come in as to meet those needs, as that. Somebody mentioned about 346 00:52:54,990 --> 00:53:03,120 filled in about tarps and that. We also are looking at, we have an outdoor kinesiology or exercise area that has been wonderful. 347 00:53:03,900 --> 00:53:13,320 And we're looking to put a tarp structure over that to provide shade. We're also looking to to enhance the quad area and put 348 00:53:14,040 --> 00:53:28,530 improve that stage that's there, so that people can use that for outdoor meetings and group activity work and that. So we're trying to maximize the work that can be done on campus outdoors in safe areas and that. 349 00:53:31,200 --> 00:53:39,360 Student we're looking at creative ways for people to support what faculty want to do as far as how to teach. Hybrids, 350 00:53:40,950 --> 00:53:50,280 just the hats off some very creative I love, if you look at the anatomy, they are basically using Body Viz a new software that we got through 351 00:53:50,730 --> 00:54:00,210 the CARES funding, but they bring the students on ground six times during the semester to work with the cadaver that kind of creative look at what outcomes 352 00:54:01,230 --> 00:54:10,800 that student learning outcomes need to be met and how to meet that. So the hybrid will definitely continue and envision much more hybrid work where we have lectures still 353 00:54:11,820 --> 00:54:27,840 online but come on campus for the group performance the meeting of the group small groups working together on that the labs and that. We're also putting a lot of interest into HyFlex. And HyFlex 354 00:54:28,890 --> 00:54:37,110 is an interesting idea that's been used before Covid but does seem to have applications now and later, and it allows 355 00:54:38,250 --> 00:54:48,270 some students to be on ground in the classroom and then the rest are at home and the teacher that is in the classroom is then streaming 356 00:54:49,290 --> 00:54:58,680 the class, the lecture, the lab whatever's going on to the students that aren't there. So you've got a cohort on ground and then you've got students that are 357 00:54:59,550 --> 00:55:13,680 online that can participate as well. And how we're handling this is we've got a group of faculty who are interested and we're supporting their work to try to figure out how to make this work. What kind of cameras, what kind of microphones 358 00:55:14,730 --> 00:55:22,020 are going to be needed in order to make this happen. We do realize that everybody's going to be masked, so anybody 359 00:55:22,350 --> 00:55:33,930 teaching on campus are going to need their own microphones because you're going to be talking through a mask and you're going to be talking to a spread out group of students so 360 00:55:34,620 --> 00:55:42,210 we're looking to have everybody that's going to be on ground will need their own microphones, they're going to need their own technology on that. 361 00:55:43,440 --> 00:55:46,110 The hybrid, the HyFlex, 362 00:55:47,190 --> 00:55:48,030 the FLRs, 363 00:55:48,750 --> 00:55:49,590 we're all 364 00:55:49,980 --> 00:55:51,300 understanding that the 365 00:55:51,300 --> 00:56:02,610 faculty are going to and the people using this are going to have to help take some of the lead on this. We've got work groups that are working on each of these where we're getting input, as far as 366 00:56:03,510 --> 00:56:13,260 the IT people Dan's helping us huge as far as what kind of microphones and cameras to use, word of faculty think things need to be worked out, 367 00:56:13,800 --> 00:56:30,420 how to work out the FLRs and that. So we can we need the input from the faculty that are in those areas. Monica's working with the English faculty over in the field house so that we can set it up, so it meets the needs of the group of people that are going to be working in those areas. 368 00:56:31,830 --> 00:56:32,820 Athletics. 369 00:56:33,870 --> 00:56:43,170 We've got spring one which really is fall. We're not going to be competing, but we are going to be having those students be 370 00:56:43,710 --> 00:56:53,430 student athletes on campus. They're going to be doing practice and we're probably going to try to have two scrimmages, at least that's the intent now, we'll see hopefully that will 371 00:56:53,850 --> 00:57:03,570 be able to be accomplished. And the reason for that is to give those student athletes, an opportunity to have films and the practice so that they can have 372 00:57:04,620 --> 00:57:11,100 those tools to help them move forward in their scholar athlete careers. 373 00:57:11,760 --> 00:57:23,520 We also have our spring two sports and those are going to be very much shortened. They have very defined where they can practice, how they can, what social distancing needs to be done, 374 00:57:23,880 --> 00:57:38,580 what extra level of cleaning. The CCCAA has very specific guidelines that needs to be followed and we're going to work really hard to try to provide those opportunities, particularly for the outdoor sports, so that they can compete. 375 00:57:41,370 --> 00:57:44,220 Let's see...they can compete 376 00:57:45,930 --> 00:57:55,380 in the sports and all of that. I should have said, did I skip a staff scheduling, sorry on that. So on the staff, 377 00:57:56,430 --> 00:58:05,640 so the classified staff on their scheduling, some other activities need to be on ground and some of the activities can be handled online. 378 00:58:06,000 --> 00:58:25,770 And I think we need to again, look at focus at the y on their outcomes what needs to be done and how did we do it as safely as possible. So we're going to be working to rotate schedules to do hybrid for that kind of work as well, because I think that's what we're seeing 379 00:58:26,880 --> 00:58:36,960 people are saying that they want to do is they want to come in for certain activities and then work from home for others and so that's what the plan will be. 380 00:58:38,700 --> 00:58:48,840 There was a questions about community participation. I think we have to take care of their staff and the students needs, faculty first and then, if we can bring 381 00:58:50,910 --> 00:59:05,010 people in to watch the theater performances. Right now what we're plan is to have them be taped and then we can put them online. As we move into orange and then yellow we'll see how that goes, but we have to do this in staging. 382 00:59:06,690 --> 00:59:17,700 We mentioned a little bit about technology. We intend to have the technology in the classrooms. Technology in the staff rooms, so that we can do trainings and 383 00:59:18,750 --> 00:59:25,680 people can meet with the students and that, some online some on ground and mentioned about the 384 00:59:27,000 --> 00:59:37,980 microphones for people for the staff as well for speaking if you're with talking through your mask in A&R, you're going to need a microphone in order to being able to 385 00:59:39,330 --> 00:59:46,410 not wear yourself out or strain your voice and all of that, so we need to really look at that. We've been lending out computers, 386 00:59:47,040 --> 01:00:01,950 hotspots, web cameras. John or Dan would know better, he and Linda, but I think it's about 400 computers that have been lent out to to students and staff that needed 387 01:00:03,120 --> 01:00:16,620 them in order for during this semester, and we'll continue that activity. We talked a- thank you Dan over 400 lent out and I'm sure we'll have additional what needs in the fall as well. 388 01:00:19,050 --> 01:00:29,160 Talked about the Tutoring Center. There have been some exciting work by some of the group Rena leading and Esther and I know many others, Deb, 389 01:00:30,030 --> 01:00:48,090 trying to figure out ways to digitally safely do tutoring and with the new tutoring desk upstairs that are six feet apart, it looks like an ideal situation with tablets to separate students. I loved Loay's idea of having the 390 01:00:49,620 --> 01:01:04,560 where the instructor or the staff can go in and look at what's going on there without maybe hovering over someone's shoulder and all that, so, I think that we can pull that technology in and look at how to do that best. 391 01:01:06,150 --> 01:01:12,300 Danielle mentioned that they're looking at technology to help schedule what's going on in the library. 392 01:01:12,990 --> 01:01:29,460 Student access areas and computer labs I think are needed. Our students need reliable areas not only just the computers that we're lending to them, but hotspots but also places on campus where they can have reliable 393 01:01:30,570 --> 01:01:39,210 access. So we're looking at a place for the tents for tutoring perhaps or I mean for testing perhaps that one of the FLRs, 394 01:01:39,870 --> 01:01:53,040 and have that, as well as looking at the bottom floor of the library as areas where we can designate out areas where I'm envisioning the bottom floor of the library using it for 395 01:01:54,210 --> 01:01:58,470 students for study areas because they can be isolated, separated, 396 01:02:00,030 --> 01:02:02,160 in the nice social distancing areas. 397 01:02:03,810 --> 01:02:06,270 Office hours have been an area, 398 01:02:07,800 --> 01:02:14,910 have been redefined. When you talk to faculty, when you talk to counselors how they're working with the students, 399 01:02:15,600 --> 01:02:28,890 when you talk about how people in A&R and Financial Aid are interacting with students they're really redefining it now. How do you best do that? Some of it is being done online 400 01:02:29,580 --> 01:02:41,280 through Zoom. Some of it we've got the Cranium Cafe, others just through phone. I think that same thing is going to be with office hours we're going to have to figure out how to do it best. 401 01:02:41,910 --> 01:02:59,910 I think that as Julius mentioned, if we take a classroom and we can isolate and separate give faculty room to have students come in and have office hours there, that's certainly something we should consider. We need to realize that some office hours will be best done with 402 01:03:01,050 --> 01:03:06,780 the Zoom still and we're going to need to work with faculty and 403 01:03:07,470 --> 01:03:23,760 the unions to try to redefine what's currently in the contract we're going to have trouble with. I think we have to use the the why question as to why are we doing this, how do we do this best for and safest for our students and for our faculty and kind of 404 01:03:25,200 --> 01:03:30,840 work that question out. I think the group is going to have to address the office hours and 405 01:03:33,120 --> 01:03:39,270 the study areas as we move closer to the semester. Let's see a there's. 406 01:03:40,650 --> 01:03:43,440 Go back through the questions I have not. 407 01:03:44,520 --> 01:03:47,580 [Jennifer]: There was a question about gym use Mary. [Mary]: Right. 408 01:03:49,920 --> 01:03:55,590 Phil was asking about a floor which we've talked about but then, how is the gym going to be used for Athletics. 409 01:03:55,890 --> 01:03:59,790 Mary: Yeah, thank you I think that's a good one, I think we do need a 410 01:04:01,560 --> 01:04:03,960 floor to protect the gym. 411 01:04:05,100 --> 01:04:11,400 There was a question about when we were looking at alternate places where we could do large classrooms or classrooms, 412 01:04:12,600 --> 01:04:31,140 the gym was one of them, we considered. I do think we need a floor because there might be opportunities our times when we need to use the gym, but I think we need to recognize the importance of our scholar athletes and their classes as well, and we would like to use the gym for 413 01:04:32,280 --> 01:04:49,350 the athletics, but I do think we do need, if we do buy a new floor over with CARES funding and that we could use it for certain events and then continue with the main focus with Athletics. So I think it gives us flexibility. 414 01:04:51,180 --> 01:05:04,320 So that is one I think the FLRs will help us considerably Phil, I think the amphitheater, I think the quad, and the outdoor kinesiology are all. 415 01:05:04,830 --> 01:05:17,070 We're also talking about a kind of a large structure that could be used for classrooms and then could be a warehouse afterwards. Also down in the area off of that, 416 01:05:18,330 --> 01:05:31,380 area where we're talking about the FLRS. So we could put several structures down there that would have short term loot uses for providing us with large and large I'm saying 40 to 80 range of students. 417 01:05:34,770 --> 01:05:41,610 Currently within the Covid maybe some moving forward as well, and then perhaps have other applications later on. 418 01:05:42,720 --> 01:05:52,290 Let's see CARES funding for the projectors for the HyFlex. Definitely things that we're looking at. Microphones. Absolutely. Tutoring Center. 419 01:05:54,480 --> 01:06:05,280 We also have the Tutoring Center down by the field oh that could also be available for additional. We have to just check everything out as far as how many people we can put in these rooms for 420 01:06:06,120 --> 01:06:17,190 with social distancing. Our experience has been that it probably takes in an area and probably divides it by about a third or a fourth, the number that could 421 01:06:17,970 --> 01:06:28,890 that could have been there in the past. So if you had, you know, 20 students that could come into a tutoring area we're probably only going to assume that we can probably put, 422 01:06:29,790 --> 01:06:39,000 you know, six or so students. It really is surprising when you put in the six, but we'll be glad to check all the different areas out to see what we can put in. 423 01:06:42,060 --> 01:06:44,460 And I don't know other questions. 424 01:06:44,940 --> 01:06:48,600 [Jennifer]: Looks like what you answered pretty much everything Mary. [Mary]: Great. 425 01:06:49,650 --> 01:06:51,000 Others or Amanuel? 426 01:06:54,390 --> 01:07:00,720 Amanuel Gebru: I guess I'll jump right in Mary if there's no other questions. Just like we're doing everything else with 427 01:07:02,100 --> 01:07:13,140 destruction and the business areas and Covid related items, our goal is also to ensure that we provide the safest way for a lot of our classified staff that are 428 01:07:13,530 --> 01:07:27,870 in the front lines supporting our students who are usually in many of the areas that I oversee and then also admitted areas that we share with Jennifer in Fountain Hall. So in terms of safety, we want to ensure everyone safety specifically 429 01:07:28,890 --> 01:07:37,770 in how we roll out things and how we transition. So as we are looking to bring back a lot of our courses on campus as Mary mentioned, 430 01:07:38,220 --> 01:07:47,190 we're also trying to align the number of staffing and how we stagger what offices are open like specifically if we look at Fountain Hall, 431 01:07:47,580 --> 01:07:53,490 we have Counseling, we have Admissions, Financial Aid, Business Services, Outreach, and other areas, 432 01:07:54,330 --> 01:08:01,680 the Transfer Center, the career center. So you have a lot of those offices that support students on a day to day basis. 433 01:08:02,070 --> 01:08:09,780 So, as we look to bring folks back, the conversations we're having with our lead managers or coordinators during our matric meetings are, 434 01:08:10,260 --> 01:08:17,640 you know, if you were to come back what does it look like, for your staff, what does it look like in how you serve students, 435 01:08:18,390 --> 01:08:30,300 what would be feasible. So we're asking our lead managers and supervisors these questions, so that we can gauge what they can do and then be able to answer some of the tough questions in terms of 436 01:08:30,960 --> 01:08:40,110 how many staff can we have in an office and the other thing that we recognize is a lot of our service areas they have small cubicles, they have small offices, 437 01:08:41,190 --> 01:08:53,610 they're not able to engage students in close proximity or even social distancing. So the other thing we're looking at is how do we use those classrooms and found hall as a possible venue to create 438 01:08:54,390 --> 01:08:58,710 some distance in the way we support students in the way students are still getting served. 439 01:08:59,820 --> 01:09:11,130 So one of the things we want to do is if we're going to open Fountain Hall and provide services, we will probably look at ways where we can have a check in process, an appointment process. 440 01:09:12,330 --> 01:09:20,520 We don't think at this time, it would be wise for us to say that we will allow students to study and beyond the computers in the Fountain Hall area, 441 01:09:20,880 --> 01:09:26,100 but Mary has mentioned, there will be areas in the library for students to be able to maybe get some support 442 01:09:26,490 --> 01:09:33,060 for tutoring and those kind of services. So we're trying to be as innovative and as creative, as we can, in terms of 443 01:09:33,510 --> 01:09:42,750 what does the Fountain Hall area look like and how students will be supported when they come in, whether it's appointment or whatnot and then the other piece that we really 444 01:09:43,710 --> 01:09:54,180 know that's working well for us is our welcome center. Our virtual welcome center is taking phone calls, engaging with our community, is helping direct students to the right offices. 445 01:09:55,320 --> 01:10:06,870 When we are able to come back on campus, the virtual welcome center has already has some plexiglass where students can still come in there and they'll be directed into the right offices. 446 01:10:07,230 --> 01:10:17,280 And that all looks on depends on, you know, what offices will be open, depending on how we stagger things. If we have, for example, admissions and Financial Aid, maybe in one day 447 01:10:17,670 --> 01:10:24,690 where they are seeing students, the appointments that are made will allow students to come and possibly meet 448 01:10:25,110 --> 01:10:34,830 with folks in a social distanced manner, but these are all the things we're looking at in terms of how we transition our services from online to on ground. 449 01:10:35,460 --> 01:10:45,720 And then also just making sure that students are being directed from the point of coming into Fountain Hall, to the point of where they need to go, especially a lot of our students 450 01:10:46,080 --> 01:10:53,550 are getting a lot of appointments virtually online for Counseling. So what will that look like in our conversations with Jodi and the counselors, 451 01:10:53,940 --> 01:11:03,330 is trying to figure out what is the safest manner that we could provide potentially in service, support for our students via counseling or virtually. 452 01:11:04,470 --> 01:11:14,940 So these are some of the things that we're looking at, but the key component will be the staffing piece. How do we stagger staffing. What does that look like Monday to Thursday. 453 01:11:15,720 --> 01:11:20,910 Do we potentially look at schedules that align with instruction in how we support students. 454 01:11:21,840 --> 01:11:33,630 Do we look at how we continue some of our services virtually to ensure that our support services are still going to be open to them online, while being able to support the students that will be on campus. 455 01:11:34,740 --> 01:11:37,590 And, as I mentioned before, really 456 01:11:38,640 --> 01:11:49,620 continuing the online services. A lot of them are actually working really well for us. You know, in my conversations with our matric team and and our deans in the services area, 457 01:11:50,610 --> 01:11:58,200 we're seeing a lot of students, we're seeing students, that a lot of times are not able to come on campus and get an appointment being served in that way, 458 01:11:58,440 --> 01:12:06,030 so we want to create a hybrid approach for those that will be on campus to be seen, and for those that will be virtually still supported in that matter as well. 459 01:12:06,360 --> 01:12:15,780 And then the other areas that we touched on earlier was what about all those services that are in the veterans area and the annex, FYE, EOPS, 460 01:12:16,860 --> 01:12:19,410 our ASMC all those in those areas 461 01:12:20,430 --> 01:12:32,250 that are away from Fountain Hall, and then our ACCESS Program. Our ACCESS office has some spacing where they're able to support students, but these are the areas we're having some dialogue with our lead, 462 01:12:33,360 --> 01:12:41,100 you know, directors or supervisors to make sure how can they support students in those spaces that are really small, 463 01:12:41,490 --> 01:12:51,600 and what will that look like and how they roll that out. So a lot of this is, you know early in terms of me telling you, it will look exactly a specific way, 464 01:12:52,110 --> 01:13:03,090 but the most important thing that we wanted to focus on is asking our staff, you know, if we're able to do that, if we're able to bring some of these services on campus in person, 465 01:13:03,570 --> 01:13:11,280 then we're going to have to sit and have the conversations with John to see what kind of combinations we can create for those areas. 466 01:13:12,420 --> 01:13:18,660 And then the most important thing is, I know we're short on time, is really flexibility. You know, we are 467 01:13:19,110 --> 01:13:26,940 trying to ensure the flexibility in working with our staff and faculty in how we transition to being on ground. 468 01:13:27,660 --> 01:13:33,990 We want to work with folks. We want to hear your feedback. We want to use this work group to really help us 469 01:13:34,380 --> 01:13:47,370 roll out the best plan for how we provide support for our students that will be on campus. We currently continue to support our students via Raider Central. So we have a lot of students that come on campus 470 01:13:47,730 --> 01:13:59,370 that meet with Tim and their staff to get food and those things. So we will continue those things, but as we continue that, we want to also make sure that students are able to see, you know, 471 01:14:00,600 --> 01:14:07,290 some folks from our support services areas. So that's that's pretty much in a nutshell, what I have in terms of 472 01:14:08,310 --> 01:14:16,530 what our support services will potentially look like, but I'm happy to take questions. I don't know folks have been asking questions at the bottom. 473 01:14:16,890 --> 01:14:21,150 Linda: Amanuel, Maria Urenda has her hand raised she has a question for you. 474 01:14:21,720 --> 01:14:22,410 Amanuel: Yes, Maria. 475 01:14:23,130 --> 01:14:35,040 Maria Urenda: Hi thank you. Just a question in terms of because I'm familiar with these areas, especially in Fountain Hall for student services, any thoughts on, for instance, 476 01:14:35,880 --> 01:14:49,590 if it's not possible to retrofit an area to re-purpose, for instance, a classroom not being used so that, you know, you can socially distance and do financial aid intake and especially if, 477 01:14:49,890 --> 01:14:57,240 you know, air ventilation being what VP Clark indicated would be, you know, flowing every thing, she said six minutes, right? 478 01:14:58,020 --> 01:15:04,260 So, you know, if we... Oh six times, an hour did I say every six minutes, wishful thinking. Sorry. 479 01:15:04,710 --> 01:15:22,320 And, so I'm just thinking any any thoughts like that, because some of those offices, for instance, in Financial Aid I just don't see working or even in Admissions and Records, even if we, you know, stagger stopping. So just any thoughts on that to use a classroom, for instance? 480 01:15:22,650 --> 01:15:31,110 Amanuel: Absolutely. We're dedicating all the classrooms and Fountain Hall, to the service areas. So what we're trying to do is figure out, 481 01:15:31,470 --> 01:15:36,330 you know, from each supervisor to kind of figure out what would that look like if we gave them 482 01:15:36,660 --> 01:15:43,440 one or two classrooms how would they continue supporting students. So we're exploring all those options in terms spacing, 483 01:15:43,800 --> 01:15:48,420 not just in Fountain Hall, but also outside of Fountain Hall, where there are some spaces available, 484 01:15:48,840 --> 01:15:57,300 where staff and faculty feel comfortable providing services in those manners and then also just making sure they have all the equipment, all the computers, 485 01:15:58,050 --> 01:16:08,130 all the plexiglass, whatever they have in their in their regular offices, making sure we provide those kind of environments for them to still support students 486 01:16:08,460 --> 01:16:16,800 in an environment that's safe, that's professional, that gives them all the tools they need to assist our students. Excellent question Maria. 487 01:16:17,340 --> 01:16:17,820 Maria: Thank you. 488 01:16:18,630 --> 01:16:22,020 Jennifer: And there were some specific comments or thoughts around mental health 489 01:16:22,020 --> 01:16:25,260 counseling and mental health. Shawn has got some, 490 01:16:26,610 --> 01:16:28,050 Shawn's got some ideas. 491 01:16:29,430 --> 01:16:37,620 He says, "Very unique, you know, different services. It's typically offered at a college sitting in a small enclosed room with another person with on the other side, with no outside 492 01:16:38,040 --> 01:16:48,450 airflow," which is typically mental health services, the kind of facility that that counseling happens, and so I thought he was asking about, 493 01:16:49,650 --> 01:16:55,470 using Fountain Hall, maybe for mental health counseling or even I think he even mentioned the parking structure at one point. 494 01:16:56,040 --> 01:17:02,820 [Amanuel]: Right. [Shawn Silverstein]: I actually mentioned when you were talking Amanuel, I was thinking, maybe for Tutoring like, 495 01:17:03,120 --> 01:17:13,620 kinda like some other restaurants, that I see setting up those outdoor areas that get like those big white kind of huge tents, but the sides are open so there's like lots of flow, 496 01:17:13,980 --> 01:17:23,220 like I was just wondering if that area could be a possibility to be used, that would be helpful, since it's so spacious there could be like 497 01:17:23,490 --> 01:17:34,830 confidentiality and privacy in the counseling down there and there's like lots of airflow from what I would imagine. As far as the mental health provision goes, 498 01:17:35,580 --> 01:17:48,900 is there a discussion about us doing like a hybrid model, so we keep some Zooms and we keep some in person and then can we do in person and some of those classrooms or is that not going to be on the table? 499 01:17:49,410 --> 01:18:03,450 Amanuel: Yes, every idea's on the table Shawn in terms of how we roll out, every lead supervisor or program manager is working on a plan that works within their space and then also 500 01:18:03,870 --> 01:18:10,260 things that don't work within their space. So an example for your area, in the health services area, 501 01:18:10,680 --> 01:18:15,660 there isn't that much space it's really small, so, then we have to explore what would that look like 502 01:18:15,990 --> 01:18:22,080 for psychological services, what would we have to identify, would it be a classroom, would it be another tent type of thing. 503 01:18:22,320 --> 01:18:33,540 So all these things are being discussed and folks are rolling out what they can, can't do, what staffing or are able to come on campus or faculty. So we're looking at every aspect of 504 01:18:33,870 --> 01:18:45,210 how do we make it a safe environment for every individual that serving our students and then also for our students that are coming to see our faculty or staff. So we're exploring all those areas, 505 01:18:45,600 --> 01:18:48,570 and we're at we're trying to get to the point where we say, 506 01:18:49,020 --> 01:18:59,040 "You know what? You know, this doesn't really work for us, so what other options do we have?" So in two weeks, we have John Sinutko who we're inviting to our meeting with our lead managers 507 01:18:59,460 --> 01:19:10,440 to kind of see what options, we would have for specific areas or what options would we explore in terms of larger spaces, such as classrooms or any outdoor, 508 01:19:11,460 --> 01:19:14,940 you know, learning environments, that we can create for our staff and our students. 509 01:19:16,530 --> 01:19:19,380 Shawn: Particularly regarding mental health? 510 01:19:19,800 --> 01:19:29,400 Amanuel: Absolutely. Every area is critical in terms of looking at what options and plans that we have so mental health, you know, counseling services, admission, 511 01:19:29,730 --> 01:19:33,840 every program or service is going to look at ways to come back on campus. 512 01:19:34,200 --> 01:19:41,010 And then there's going to be areas where there's maybe some limitations. So that's how we have to figure out maybe we continue some of those things 513 01:19:41,340 --> 01:19:46,800 in a Zoom or online environment because you know when we have more and more instruction on campus, 514 01:19:47,280 --> 01:20:02,400 we got to figure out where we're going to have specific services that will be on ground as well. So we're trying to align services, the number of students that will be on campus, and then also the number of support services that will be adequately available to all of our students. 515 01:20:04,530 --> 01:20:13,590 Shawn: it's an amazing amount of work, Amanuel. It's kind of neat to see how it's all getting put together like that, you know? 516 01:20:14,400 --> 01:20:24,780 I respect how much work that it takes to like try to figure all this out and knowing that whatever you're figuring out right now is probably not going to look the same in August and September anyway. 517 01:20:25,350 --> 01:20:32,250 Amanuel: Absolutely and it's a team effort. A lot of folks behind the scenes are doing their best to try to put something together. 518 01:20:32,640 --> 01:20:44,760 And that's where we know these conversations will help us come up with better ideas, better solutions, better ways to to transition to really being face to face in a safe manner. 519 01:20:46,410 --> 01:20:58,920 Shawn: I see David Katz made a comment, "I think on ground mental health counseling and related services will be enthusiastically welcomed by students returning to campus." I agree, some people I know what the CSU and UC 520 01:20:59,400 --> 01:21:08,280 anticipate like whatever the demand for mental health services, this year, like I'm hearing like two to four times what it is this year. 521 01:21:08,850 --> 01:21:17,130 That's what most mental health directors and the CSU's and the UC's in Southern California are talking about right now. 522 01:21:17,430 --> 01:21:28,230 It's going to be a busy year. I think a lot of our students have been holding out because they really value that face to face contact when they come to receive mental health services. 523 01:21:29,370 --> 01:21:35,250 I think once we come back onto the ground in any way and we offer that, 524 01:21:35,730 --> 01:21:51,450 I anticipate as having like massive, massive amounts of demand, like right away with no hesitation and none of those kind of ebbs and flows that we normally would have seen in the pre-Corona era. I think it's going to start busy and stay busy the whole year. 525 01:21:52,020 --> 01:22:02,460 Amanuel: Right and then also as we look at our DI populations, our EOPS, that are high touch population our FYE, our student athletes are veterans that are really 526 01:22:02,790 --> 01:22:09,720 engaged in a lot of appointments, a lot of one on one support with their, you know, counselors or staff, 527 01:22:10,230 --> 01:22:22,860 we're trying to figure out best ways to to create venues or spaces that allows them, you know, the best experience, because a lot of them were used to coming and seeing getting that one on one support, 528 01:22:24,030 --> 01:22:32,520 but we have to make sure we create a safe environment for them as well. So all those key components of our campus in terms of transitioning, 529 01:22:33,000 --> 01:22:43,650 we're trying to think of, and that these that we're not thinking of, we want to make sure folks ask us the question, so that we could do a better job of including some of those ideas and recommendations that you all have. 530 01:22:44,940 --> 01:22:52,740 Shawn: One of the neat things that we created this year is kind of the work that we've done with the student athletes and creating like that whole 531 01:22:53,100 --> 01:23:07,140 athletes chat last semester what's now called Raiders Lounge this semester, and I know before Sharon retired like one of the things that she and I were kind of talking about just like fantasy wise was once we are, 532 01:23:08,310 --> 01:23:24,060 growing and going in a sustainable way that we would be able to basically replicate that model and bring that model to like other like highly impacted majors like EATM, or theatre, or nursing, where 533 01:23:24,570 --> 01:23:34,920 someone's like a liaison and like actually goes down there to their area and we, and that also could help with spacing and social distancing also. 534 01:23:35,820 --> 01:23:43,380 Like if we kind of put the boots on the ground and go to specific areas when we have like a 535 01:23:44,280 --> 01:23:51,750 targeted population like a student athlete group or, you know, theatre group or something like that, 536 01:23:52,500 --> 01:23:59,430 it's just another idea and I know Sharon and I had kind of been going back and forth on hoping that the athletic 537 01:24:00,210 --> 01:24:12,000 programming would take off enough that we could use that model and try to generalize it in that way. Just something else to throw out there for kind of the agenda moving down the line, no. 538 01:24:12,420 --> 01:24:23,610 Amanuel: Thank you Shawn appreciate that. I just want to make sure I capture any more quick questions because I know we're way over time and we still have Item number four or five to cover. 539 01:24:24,060 --> 01:24:33,060 Jennifer: Yeah thanks the Amanuel. I don't see any additional questions for your area. A lot of comments and it's great I think we can capture the comments 540 01:24:33,570 --> 01:24:44,760 in the minutes so we'll have all these great ideas documented. Yeah we still have the last two items. I know Julius did you want to say anything about sort of moving forward 541 01:24:45,690 --> 01:24:52,320 before we kind of kind of coalesce around sort of what we want our future meetings scheduled to look like and when. 542 01:24:52,800 --> 01:25:03,660 Julius: Yes, so I just thank you so much, everyone for your brilliant questions, insightful commentary, and, as you can see, it takes all of us to do this work. 543 01:25:04,800 --> 01:25:08,370 For those of you who are serving on the on the operational work group, 544 01:25:09,390 --> 01:25:18,780 again, our goal is to use this work group as a vehicle to address questions and concerns. So I wrote down a couple of areas food on campus, parking issues, 545 01:25:19,140 --> 01:25:24,210 library season assignments, staff scheduling, we have benefits from online 546 01:25:24,720 --> 01:25:33,720 engagement in Tutoring and Counseling, academic and mental health, we have all of those. So how can we leverage those. So that's the work that this work group will be doing. 547 01:25:34,200 --> 01:25:40,530 This work group will be taking aspects of instruction, aspects of service, and making sure that we can 548 01:25:41,130 --> 01:25:49,920 analyze them, take a look at them, work with the experts in the area and then make recommendations that will become practice. That's the charge to our group make recommendations that 549 01:25:49,980 --> 01:25:54,600 can become practice. So we can include that in the in the work that we do moving forward. 550 01:25:55,890 --> 01:26:04,770 Again, our goal is to make sure the folks meet twice a month, so we can take questions address them, get reports back from groups who are working on them, 551 01:26:05,190 --> 01:26:18,240 and the work that's happening departments will still continue, but we want this group to be that kind of interface, so we can take that work at the department level and bring it out loud and to the larger campus decision making process. 552 01:26:22,740 --> 01:26:36,720 Jennifer: So, I guess, we need to determine at this stage whether every two weeks, the folks that have been identified on the work group whether I just throw out does this time work for folks? Tuesday afternoon at 4:00? 553 01:26:41,940 --> 01:26:47,370 I mean obviously we're not going to find a time that everyone is available, every time, right, so. 554 01:26:50,400 --> 01:26:58,830 Julius: So I see Hugo's question, he says, "We'll also need ways to establish accountability for all people on campus," I can't read the rest of it, it went away. 555 01:26:59,670 --> 01:27:10,590 And you're right. I mean this work is to make sure that we can report back out to the campus community the outcomes of our deliberations. So how are we going to do this? 556 01:27:11,040 --> 01:27:15,120 Through the work of getting together and gathering information and reporting on our campus updates. 557 01:27:15,360 --> 01:27:23,610 Through those members of this work group going back to their constituency groups and sharing the what's happening and taking questions from those groups back to this 558 01:27:23,910 --> 01:27:32,280 particular work group. Through our regular newsletters and bulletins and ways in which we communicate through department meetings and such. 559 01:27:32,640 --> 01:27:43,620 That's how the information is going back and forth and we're holding one another accountable. I appreciate the questions that faculty and staff had, but please ask those questions directly of us. 560 01:27:44,550 --> 01:27:51,090 Post those questions to your deans, post those questions to your supervisors, post those questions to me, post them to Mary to Amanuel, 561 01:27:51,390 --> 01:28:02,640 to whomever else. I am not saying you shouldn't talk to your union, please do so they're there for you, but also please post those questions to us, so we can interest them in a timely manner. We appreciate your 562 01:28:03,210 --> 01:28:08,640 concern, we appreciate your perspective, you and us working together can make this happen. 563 01:28:11,910 --> 01:28:17,730 Jennifer: So I'm hearing or I'm not seeing any real objections to this time. I've heard 564 01:28:18,630 --> 01:28:29,910 from a couple of people that said, this time works. So I think we'll just carry on at this time, then every two weeks, if that works for the group. So the last question is, and I know we're already four minutes over, 565 01:28:30,750 --> 01:28:42,420 is there anybody else that should be part of this work group and somebody did ask are there students. Yes, there are officially two students that are members of the work group. So yes, we do have students on. 566 01:28:43,590 --> 01:28:57,420 [Mary]: Jennifer, one of the students. [Julius]: We want students. So let's, you know, we would like to have more individuals participate, but participate in a way that is going to be meaningful, so if you make a commitment to it, this is what every community not just students, please make sure that you're able to participate. 567 01:28:58,800 --> 01:29:06,360 Mary: And Jennifer you asked about time, David did mention here that he can't do this time he is interested so. 568 01:29:08,640 --> 01:29:12,540 Julius: Should we do a doodle poll to all the folks who are currently on the group? 569 01:29:13,200 --> 01:29:18,600 And then we take the names of those who want to be on the group and what areas they want to address, and we can then do 570 01:29:18,900 --> 01:29:31,890 a doodle poll to all of those people to figure out, what are the best times. We will work with the best times because I don't think we'll find a time that works for everybody, but we want to make sure that we're able to have representation from all our stakeholder groups. 571 01:29:36,480 --> 01:29:43,560 Jennifer: Okay and we've had a few people asked to be on that want to dedicate, you know, every two weeks to working through... 572 01:29:46,020 --> 01:30:02,850 Linda: Jennifer if I can just maybe recommend every first and third Tuesday, at this time. It seemed that, you know, the majority, this time work, and I know Academic Senate meets on, 573 01:30:03,840 --> 01:30:10,200 I think they had an Academic, that there was an Academic Senate meeting today, so a lot of those folks were able to join in 574 01:30:12,060 --> 01:30:23,580 to the meeting after, you know, after their meeting was done. So maybe something to consider every first and third Tuesday, and it also doesn't conflict with the monthly board meetings. 575 01:30:24,450 --> 01:30:33,390 Jennifer: That's a great suggestion Linda. I think Amanuel, Mary,and I were we're going to ask AnnMarie to kind of help us with this as well as Cynthia. 576 01:30:34,770 --> 01:30:43,560 I think that can be one of the doodle poll options of the first and third Tuesday. We'll see, because we know, like David katz would love to be a member, the student 577 01:30:44,010 --> 01:30:58,320 ASMC President, he can't he has class at this time, so we'll do our best see, you know, if we can accommodate, but this will definitely be on the table this time first and third Tuesday, because it seems to work for a lot of people so. 578 01:31:00,660 --> 01:31:05,940 Julius: Is there anything else that folks have on their minds that we have not addressed that you would like to see put 579 01:31:05,970 --> 01:31:06,720 on a list 580 01:31:06,960 --> 01:31:08,460 of items for discussion? 581 01:31:17,670 --> 01:31:21,330 Mary: Julius, I do know, we had a question earlier that we didn't address about 582 01:31:22,920 --> 01:31:32,850 how do we how we communicate with people that are hard of hearing and I know we had ordered the clear mask but clearly we need additional insight, 583 01:31:35,610 --> 01:31:39,510 in order to really effectively address that, but that was at least a first step. 584 01:31:40,500 --> 01:31:46,260 Julius: Right, and again I think it's very important for us to acknowledge that for folks who are hard of hearing, 585 01:31:46,590 --> 01:31:51,210 or hearing impaired there are accommodations that come to 586 01:31:51,540 --> 01:31:58,980 those particular individuals in our community, and then we encourage our students and our staff members who are hearing impaired, 587 01:31:59,250 --> 01:32:05,910 or hard of hearing to request accommodations because they are owed those accommodations, they are eligible 588 01:32:06,210 --> 01:32:21,600 for those accommodations so that we do that, but we also as you've said we'll look at other ways in which you can make sure that learning is not impacted by virtue of folks wearing masks or face coverings. We want to make sure everyone gets the very best of the learning opportunity. 589 01:32:27,390 --> 01:32:30,180 Thank you to those who are volunteering to serve and work groups. 590 01:32:32,760 --> 01:32:39,300 Phil asked if we can project if we'll back to normal by spring of 2022. I don't know what normal is to be quite honest so 591 01:32:39,750 --> 01:32:43,350 back to normal in quotes. I appreciate Phil will say that I love 592 01:32:43,920 --> 01:32:52,920 Phil saying that in quotes, I think we should look at the new normal I don't know what that new normal will look like, but that new normal will most likely be a 593 01:32:53,280 --> 01:32:56,700 good collection offerings online and our regular 594 01:32:57,510 --> 01:33:06,510 collection of our offerings on ground and there'll be hybrids and there'll be HyFlex models, but it is, we will be a college, that is online and a college that is on ground. 595 01:33:06,810 --> 01:33:15,480 Predominantly on ground with online presence in programs and courses, and students will be able to pursue both paths to success in their 596 01:33:17,100 --> 01:33:17,940 stated goals. 597 01:33:22,530 --> 01:33:27,990 Thank you Audrey's recommendation to help give us some insight on her experience teaching on ground. 598 01:33:28,200 --> 01:33:30,870 Again, thank you to those of you who are currently teaching on ground or 599 01:33:31,050 --> 01:33:38,880 who have aspects of your work assignment on ground. Classified staff who are on campus working on ground right now. We appreciate your presence 600 01:33:39,060 --> 01:33:49,980 and value your experience. Please bring that experience and that presence to our conversation because you've already living that life that many of us are about to take on. 601 01:34:03,960 --> 01:34:09,630 Mary: A question, does PJ have any questions, did we get any from the community? 602 01:34:13,290 --> 01:34:24,990 PJ: I just want to thank Julius for inviting me participating in this discussion. You know, we're fortunate to have Moorpark College in our community it's a great asset. 603 01:34:25,470 --> 01:34:37,140 Obviously, your success and safety plan on your campus is dependent on our safety and health plan here in the community. So we're really codependent and 604 01:34:38,400 --> 01:34:57,030 very excited to have this group put this plan together. I know the county has required, for instance, businesses and organizations like the city to provide a Covid prevention plan. I'm not sure if that's something that is also being required from the county but, 605 01:34:58,650 --> 01:35:09,450 you know, it's we've seen the openings and closings of all of our businesses during this past year we work with all of our businesses and community partners. So we appreciate, you know, being informed and, 606 01:35:10,530 --> 01:35:11,730 you know, providing any 607 01:35:13,380 --> 01:35:24,780 experiences that we've gone through with not only in our city organization, but with businesses and large employers and happy to contribute whatever information we can assist with. 608 01:35:29,970 --> 01:35:34,710 [Julius]: Thank you PJ. We are grateful for the partnership with the city of Moorpark. [PJ]: Thank you. 609 01:35:42,870 --> 01:35:45,180 Jennifer: So I think I've got everybody that 610 01:35:46,200 --> 01:35:57,600 has put in the chat that they wanted to be added, so when we send out the doodle poll we'll be sure that those folks get the email as well, so that they can put in their availability. 611 01:36:07,110 --> 01:36:09,750 So I think if there are no other questions... 612 01:36:13,050 --> 01:36:22,980 Julius: So, in terms of the next meeting, Jennifer there's a doodle poll that will go out. We'll get the information of the next meeting out to the campus community, in addition to the folks who are 613 01:36:24,900 --> 01:36:27,300 already on the committee right, and then? 614 01:36:28,530 --> 01:36:36,480 Jennifer: So we'll send a doodle poll out to everyone who's on the committee and then a few folks that have asked to be 615 01:36:36,780 --> 01:36:44,460 part of it, so they can let us know their availability and we'll come to an agreement over the, you know, the best day to meet every two weeks. 616 01:36:44,760 --> 01:36:55,410 And then as soon as the group decides when the meetings are going to be, then we can share that with the rest of the campus, "This is when we're meeting. If you want to come and listen and participate. Please come." 617 01:36:58,770 --> 01:37:03,390 So I think AnnMarie if you're still on the call, we'll be reaching out to you to help us do that. 618 01:37:04,710 --> 01:37:05,730 Thank you ma'am. 619 01:37:07,800 --> 01:37:09,960 AnnMarie McCarthy: Yeah I'm still here. That's fine. 620 01:37:10,290 --> 01:37:11,700 Jennifer: Okay cool thanks AnnMarie. 621 01:37:21,960 --> 01:37:24,540 Okay, I think we're good. I think I've got everybody. 622 01:37:37,230 --> 01:37:42,000 Julius: Thank you everyone. Have a good rest of the evening. Please be safe. See you soon. 623 01:37:42,270 --> 01:37:44,760 Shawn: Likewise, take care everyone. Have a good night. 624 01:37:44,880 --> 01:37:46,740 Jennifer: Thanks everybody, have a great night.